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  • Avoid Injury and Discomfort by Breaking These Poor Ergonomic Work Habits


Do you often suffer from backaches, neck pain, or eye strain after a long day at work? If yes, then chances are you may be practicing poor ergonomic work habits. Ergonomics refers to the study of designing an environment to best fit an individual’s needs to improve productivity and reduce discomfort or injury. Let’s dive deeper into the world of ergonomic work habits and learn how to avoid injury and discomfort by breaking poor ergonomic work habits!

The Dangers of Poor Work Ergonomics

Long hours of continuous sitting, poor posture, and repetitive movements are among the leading causes of discomfort and injury in the workplace. Some of the common work-related injuries include back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and neck pain. Besides causing physical harm, poor work ergonomics can also cause decreased productivity, increased stress levels, and decreased job satisfaction.

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The Top 8 Poor Ergonomic Work Habits to Break

1. Always Sitting Down

Sitting down for long periods can have negative effects on your overall health. It reduces blood flow to your brain, legs, and back muscles, all of which are essential to reducing discomfort and injury in the workplace.

Try standing and walking around for a few minutes every hour to improve blood circulation, stretch your legs, and reduce the risk of pain in your muscles.

2. Hunching Over Your Desk

Hunching over your desk for extended periods is a common culprit in causing spinal problems. A bent or curved back puts unnecessary pressure on your spine and can lead to back pain.

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Make sure your workstation is ergonomically designed to reduce the need to hunch over your desk. Keeping your monitor at eye level and using a footrest can help maintain a good posture.

3. Repetitive Movements

Repetitive movements such as typing or using your mouse can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, thumb strain, and other injuries.

Take frequent breaks, stretch your hands, wrists, and fingers, and use ergonomic tools such as a vertical mouse or keyboard.

4. Poor Lighting

Poor lighting can create glare on your computer screens or put unnecessary strain on your eyes, leading to discomfort and eye fatigue.

Ensure your workspace is well-lit with natural light or artificial light to reduce eye strain. Also, use anti-glare screens or adjustable monitor stands to reduce screen glare.

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5. Poor Quality Furniture

Poor quality furniture can lead to discomfort, reduce productivity, and cause long-term pain.

Invest in comfortable ergonomic chairs and desks to ensure proper posture and reduce the risk of discomfort. Your chair should be adjustable, support your lower back, and your desk should be at a comfortable height.

6. Excessive Phone Use

Excessive phone use such as holding the phone between your shoulder and ear can cause neck strain and discomfort.

Use a hands-free device or headset to reduce neck and shoulder strain, and avoid holding your phone for extended periods.

7. Ignoring Discomfort

Ignoring discomfort can lead to long-term problems or chronic pain. Discomfort is a sign that you need to adjust your ergonomics and reduce the risk of injury.

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Take note of any discomfort, pains, or aches, and adjust your workstation accordingly to reduce the risk of long-term injury.

8. Skipping Breaks

Skipping breaks can lead to stress and tension, which can cause discomfort and increase the risk of injury.

Take breaks throughout the day, stretch your legs, do some light exercises, and drink plenty of water to reduce stress levels and improve productivity.

7 FAQs on Avoiding Injury and Discomfort in the Workplace

1. What is ergonomic work habit?

Ergonomic work habits refer to designing workspaces to best suit an individual’s needs, reducing the risk of injury and increasing productivity.

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2. How can I improve my workstation ergonomics?

You can improve your workstation ergonomics by using an adjustable workstation, an ergonomic chair, and monitor, reducing glare, taking regular breaks, and utilizing hands-free devices.

3. What are some of the common work-related injuries?

Common work-related injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, and neck pain.

4. How does taking breaks reduce the risk of discomfort?

Taking breaks throughout the day reduce stress levels, stretch muscles, and promote blood circulation, necessary in reducing discomfort and the risk of injury.

5. Can ignoring pain lead to long-term problems?

Ignoring pain can lead to long-term problems such as chronic pain or permanent damage.

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6. What ergonomic tools can I use to reduce discomfort and injury?

You can use ergonomic tools such as a vertical mouse, keyboard, anti-glare screens, and a footrest to reduce discomfort and injury.

7. What kind of chair should I use?

You should invest in a chair that is adjustable, has good back support, and promotes a healthy posture.


In conclusion, practicing good workplace ergonomics can reduce discomfort, improve productivity, and prevent long-term injuries. Break these poor ergonomic work habits, and incorporate healthy habits such as taking regular breaks, using ergonomic tools, and investing in quality furniture. Remember, your health should always be prioritized, and by doing so, you can improve your overall efficiency, comfort, and happiness in the workplace.

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