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Choco Tacos 2022: New Flavors and Surprising Twists in Choco Ice Cream Game


Everybody loves indulging in sweet treats, and nothing satisfies those sweet cravings better than a delicious ice cream cone. Choco Tacos, the chocolate-lined waffle cone filled with vanilla ice cream, have been a favorite of ice cream lovers since the 1980s. With each passing year, the brand continues to innovate and bring about new flavors and surprises to elevate the classic dessert to the next level. This year, Choco Tacos is taking things up a notch with some incredible twists and new flavors that are sure to have everyone rushing to their local ice cream store.

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Choco Tacos 2022: What’s New?

Choco Tacos is already delicious in its original form, but imagine trying it with new, exciting, and surprising twists and flavors. This year, Choco Tacos has introduced some mind-blowing flavors that are sure to have your taste buds dancing with joy. Here’s what’s new in 2022:

  • Cinna-Choco: This flavor is just what you’d expect. It’s your favorite Choco Tacos, but with a warm and delicious cinnamon twist. The combination of cinnamon and chocolate is a match made in heaven.
  • Mint Chocolate Choco Taco: For those of you who love a cool and refreshing dessert, the new Mint Chocolate Choco Taco is the perfect fit. This flavor features cool mint ice cream wrapped in a chocolate-lined waffle cone.
  • Red Velvet Choco Taco: Red velvet cake is a favorite dessert, so why not turn it into an ice cream flavor? Choco Tacos has done just that and it tastes as amazing as it sounds.
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Exciting Twists on Classic Flavors

While the new flavors are a welcome addition to the Choco Tacos menu, the classics still hold up. This year, Choco Tacos brings in some exciting twists on their classic flavors:

  • Pina Colada Choco Taco: Who doesn’t love a good pina colada? Choco Tacos takes this favorite cocktail and turns it into a dessert with this exciting twist on the classic.
  • Caramel Swirl Choco Taco: This flavor is for the caramel lovers out there. Choco Tacos has added a caramel swirl to its classic vanilla ice cream filling. Yum!
  • Rocky Road Choco Taco: The classic flavor is given a twist with the addition of almonds, mini marshmallows, and rich chocolate fudge.
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The Secret Ingredient: High-Quality Ingredients

It’s no secret that the key to great-tasting ice cream is the quality of the ingredients used. Choco Tacos has always been committed to using high-quality ingredients for their delectable ice cream. The brand uses pure vanilla extract, 100% real milk and cream, and premium chocolate to ensure the perfect taste. This year, Choco Taco goes even further with their commitment to quality ingredients by becoming sustainably sourced. The ice cream company sources ingredients from manufacturers who follow ethical and sustainable production processes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What makes Choco Tacos unique compared to other ice cream desserts?
Choco Tacos combines the deliciousness of ice cream with the convenience of a cone. The chocolate-lined waffle cone provides a delicious, sweet, and crunchy exterior, while the vanilla ice cream inside adds the cool, creamy texture that makes it an overall great dessert.

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Q2: Does Choco Tacos come in different sizes?
Yes. The classic Choco Tacos come in single sizes, but you can also buy boxes that contain three or four Choco Tacos.

Q3: Are the new flavors permanent additions to the Choco Taco menu?
Choco Tacos’ new flavors are not yet permanent additions to the menu. Fans can enjoy the new flavors for a limited time, but it’s not yet certain if they will become a permanent menu item.

Q4: Is Choco Tacos ice cream gluten-free?
Choco Tacos ice cream is not gluten-free. The waffle cone, which lines the ice cream, contains wheat flour.

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Q5: Can I buy Choco Tacos anywhere?
Choco Tacos can be found in many supermarkets and retail stores. Alternatively, you can find them online or through food delivery services.

Q6: Is Choco Taco environmentally friendly?
Yes! Choco Tacos has committed to sourcing ingredients sustainably, which makes it an environmentally friendly and ethical choice for ice cream lovers.

Q7: Can I create my own Choco Taco flavor?
Currently, Choco Tacos has not opened up the flavor selection process to customers. However, who knows what surprises Choco Tacos has in store for the future?


In conclusion, Choco Tacos continues to innovate and elevate the classic dessert by introducing new flavors and exciting twists to their already delicious recipes. With their commitment to high-quality ingredients and sustainably sourced products, they are sure to maintain their place as a popular and ethical choice for chocolate lovers. So, head to your nearest grocery store or food delivery service to try all the new and classic flavors available from Choco Tacos.

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Call to Action: Visit the nearest grocery store or food delivery service, place your order, and experience the magic of Choco Tacos. Don’t forget to share your experience with us in the comments.

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